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How to increase the efficiency of your AC

Whether it is in our homes or places of business, air conditioning has become a necessary component of our everyday life. In addition to creating a comfortable environment, it is essential for enhancing air quality and controlling the heat from electronic appliances.

However, the cost of installing air conditioning in Brackley, Milton Keynes, Northampton and the surrounding areas can be high, and energy and maintenance costs can add up quickly. Here are some low-cost ways to boost your air conditioner's efficiency so you can get the most out of it and save your energy costs.

Ways to increase efficiency on your AC

Invest in a quality system

In order to select the greatest quality systems that fit your application and budget, it is essential to work with a reputable and trusted air conditioning installation specialist. The best choice is always to spend your money on an energy-efficient system from a well-known manufacturer because you will ultimately save money on your energy costs.

Increase your thermostat

Although air conditioners are primarily meant to keep rooms at a pleasant temperature, turning up the thermostat by five or so degrees can be very helpful. This significantly reduces the amount of effort your AC must make. Your AC will be under less load and use less energy as a result. Thus, without significantly sacrificing comfort, this is a surefire way to reduce your energy costs.

Keep vents clean and unblocked

Your AC vents may become clogged with dust or debris, which may lessen the cooling effect. Your air conditioning unit will operate more efficiently if the air vents are kept clear and clean. 

Schedule regular maintenance 

Regular maintenance keeps your AC system current, reduces issues and malfunctions, and saves you money on pricey repairs. A well-maintained air conditioning system uses less energy and can help you save money over time on your energy costs.

how to increase efficiency of ac

Is the ductwork properly insulated?

In central air conditioning systems, ducts are often installed in unconditioned spaces. Ensuring there are no leaks in the ductwork is crucial since, otherwise, the airflow can be hampered. You can use high-quality duct insulation to yourself insulate smaller leaks. However, if the leak is really large, you may wish to contact an air conditioning specialist. 

Keep heat-producing appliances away

Computers, ovens, and media systems should be kept away from the thermostat to lessen the demand on your air conditioner and save you money on electricity. This occurs as a result of the heat that these devices produce. This informs your air conditioner that it needs to provide additional cooling. As a result, it will labour harder and longer, significantly consuming more energy.

Keep out direct sunlight

The room begins to warm up during the day when direct sunshine hits the glass panes or windows. Your AC will therefore need to work harder. Drawing the curtains and blinds will cause the sunshine not to heat the room up. As a result, your AC works harder while using less energy.

Replace filters

At the very beginning of your AC maintenance procedure is cleaning or replacing soiled air filters. The fact that you can do it yourself with ease is what makes it the most convenient. You don't always need to contact an air conditioning service technician for this. Filters that are dirty cause the airflow to be reduced, which decreases cooling. 

Additionally, dust particles that clog these filters may end up collecting on internal components and fan blades. Your AC will run slower as a result, using more energy. Thus, changing or replacing your air filters can significantly increase the effectiveness of your air conditioning system.

Speak to a professional installer

For best effectiveness, purchasing a high-quality air conditioner and giving it frequent maintenance are essential. Choosing a reliable and trustworthy contractor for your air conditioning installation is crucial. We, at Elements Heating Installations, provide reliable installation services for air conditioners.

If you would like to discuss your options, please get in touch with our team by calling us on 07875 344794 and we'll be happy to help.