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Top tips for reducing your gas bills this winter

With Winter just around the corner and most of us attempting to remain indoors so that we can spend time with our families, there's a good possibility that your energy costs will be higher than ever this year while you stay at home. This, coupled with the surge in energy prices recently, will mean that you are almost definitely going to be expecting a surge in energy costs this Winter. However, in order to assist all of our clients across Brackley, and the surrounding areas such as Northampton, Buckingham, Milton Keynes and Banbury.  save some extra cash, Elements Heating Installations have provided a few top tips to reduce your gas bill this winter.

Don't forget to book your boiler service

By getting your boiler serviced at least once a year, you can guarantee that it is working at its most efficient level and therefore delivering the results that you are paying for. Getting your boiler serviced on a regular basis (we recommend at least once a year) can reduce the potential of a breakdown by discovering problems early on, which might otherwise result in the need for an unexpectedly costly repair. We offer boiler services in Brackley, and the surrounding areas such as Northampton, Buckingham, Milton Keynes and Banbury. 

energy saving brackley

Always consider switching your energy supplier

Most homeowners don't know this, but it is true that changing your energy supplier is very likely to save you the most money in the long term! People are often reluctant to switch suppliers because they fear that the process is either too complicated or not worth the hassle, when actually if you switch suppliers every year, you are likely to benefit from cheaper energy rates.

However, energy suppliers cannot afford for the process to be complicated in fear of losing customers at the first hurdle, but we can definitely promise that the benefits of switching are worthwhile. In some cases, you can make annual savings totalling hundreds of pounds. To find out more about how to switch energy suppliers, or if you have any questions about how to do so, then get in touch!

Try to keep all doors closed in your home

In the colder winter months, it's important to close the doors of rooms that are not in use and restrict the heat into a smaller area. If you remember to do this, we can guarantee that you will notice a huge difference, especially if you live in a larger property. Whilst you're there, turn the radiators off in the rooms that you have closed, there’s little point in heating them if nobody is going to be using them.

Top tip: Use tin foil on the back of your radiators

You may think that placing tin foil behind your radiators might seem a little odd, especially to visiting family members and friends, but it actually does work, and is a useful trick you can use to make your radiators feel hotter! The tin foil will reflect the heat that is otherwise wasted on heating your walls. You can use any old household kitchen foil or you can purchase genuine heat-reflecting foil from a local DIY store, built exactly for this purpose; hence the results are slightly better.

Always remember to bleed your radiators

If your radiators have cold spots, you could possibly benefit from bleeding them. The process is relatively straightforward. You can purchase a bleeding key from most DIY stores and all you need to do is wait for the hissing noise to pass, which is the sound of gas being released from the system. This will allow you to reduce your gas bill because you will no longer need to increase the temperature on your thermostat in an attempt to squeeze out heat from tiny warm spots.

Use pipe-lagging on any exterior pipes

If you have any exposed copper piping, place pipe-lagging around the entire pipe. The extra insulation will reduce the amount of heat escaping from your pipe and keep the warm water inside warmer, for longer. Again, pipe-lagging can be purchased from most DIY stores.