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Expert Tips: Keeping Your New Boiler in Great Condition

Investing in a new boiler is just the beginning. After your boiler installation is completed, the next crucial step is to ensure that your heating system remains in optimal condition. Regular maintenance not only extends your boiler's lifespan but also enhances its efficiency, safety, and performance. Below are expert tips to help residents of Northampton and Milton Keynes keep their new boilers in peak condition.

6 Ways To Keep Your Boiler In Great Shape

Regular Servicing is Key

Think of your boiler as a car. Just like your vehicle needs a tune-up to keep it running at its best, your boiler needs regular servicing to maintain peak performance. Having your boiler serviced by a certified heating engineer at least once a year allows for the early detection of potential issues, avoiding costly repairs or boiler replacement down the line. Residents in Northampton or Milton Keynes can count on us at Elements Heating Installations for reliable boiler maintenance services. Reach us on 07875 344794 or 01280 473772.

Expert Tips: Keeping Your New Boiler in Peak Condition

Keep Your Radiators Bleed

Air can get trapped in your heating system over time, leading to cold spots on your radiators and reducing their overall efficiency. Regularly bleeding your radiators can help improve heat distribution throughout your home, making sure your boiler doesn't work harder than it needs to. This small task can make a noticeable difference in the overall performance of your boiler.

Clear Space Around Your Boiler

The space around your boiler should be clutter-free. Any clutter can restrict airflow, leading to overheating and possible breakdowns. Beyond the risk of boiler damage, this is also a safety concern as items too close to the boiler could catch fire. Make sure to regularly check the area surrounding your boiler to keep it clear and safe.

Insulate Pipes to Prevent Freezing

In the colder months, your pipes are at risk of freezing, which can lead to significant damage to your heating system. Pipe insulation is an effective and cost-efficient solution that not only prevents freezing but also reduces heat loss, making your heating system more efficient.

The Benefit of Magnetic Filters

A magnetic filter is a small yet powerful addition to your boiler system. It collects the sludge that can accumulate in your boiler over time. This sludge can cause blockages and reduce the efficiency of your heating system. By keeping your system clean, a magnetic filter can enhance its performance and extend its lifespan.

The Importance of Boiler Pressure

The pressure level of your boiler needs to be just right - not too high, not too low. Irregular pressure can affect the efficiency of your boiler and could indicate a larger issue at hand. Familiarise yourself with the recommended pressure level and regularly check the pressure gauge to ensure it's within the correct range.

Get in touch to find out more

A well-maintained boiler is efficient, safe, and can save you significant sums on your energy bills. However, if you're unsure about any aspect of your boiler maintenance, it's always best to seek advice from a professional. At Elements Heating Installations, we're committed to helping you get the most out of your boiler. Our experienced heating engineers offer comprehensive boiler services in Northampton and Milton Keynes. To keep your new boiler in peak condition, call us now on 07875 344794 or 01280 473772.